Just Nice of Me

My photo
I was born to be talkative, suka amek gambar dan berhibur. Suka terbang di awan, suka berenang dalam lautan. Suka juga menjadikan pelawak sebagai penghibur hati. Tak OK...just nice!

My Baby Beranak!

Hye there! I nak story sikit pasal my baby; Shan which is the oldest cat in my house. Semalam, she give birth satu kitten bewarna hitam. No wonder dia asyik meow all the time. But then, only a kitten yang terselamat and my mother call him/her TUAH. Because dia sangat ber'Tuah. Today (I mean baru tadi) Shan, she give birth another kitten but found dead already. Sekarang she is outside (tengah teran so that yang dah mati tu keluar). But pity to Tuah sekarang ni cause dia asyik me'meow aje dari tadi (maybe nak susu)

Please, I beg You to make everything easy for her and her kitten. Amin.

:86: Miss Shh

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