Just Nice of Me

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I was born to be talkative, suka amek gambar dan berhibur. Suka terbang di awan, suka berenang dalam lautan. Suka juga menjadikan pelawak sebagai penghibur hati. Tak OK...just nice!

Raya 2012 - Day 4 (Banjir!)

Hye! I'm here posting this entry not rekaan semata-mata okay! This is real situation! Banjir! But then, it's not our house yang kena banjir, my cousin. So sad, she and her small family go to Johor but then got call by jiran rumah. They told her that her house kena banjir juga. Laju she and her family patah balik ke Segambut. Lots of things dah tak boleh pakai. Today, we on the road (yang dengar berita) hurry up go there. Tolong lah apa yang patut. After about 2++ hours there, we go home. I hope they were fine. Amin.

I hope everyone sihat-sihat belaka. Malang memang tak berbau!

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