Just Nice of Me

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I was born to be talkative, suka amek gambar dan berhibur. Suka terbang di awan, suka berenang dalam lautan. Suka juga menjadikan pelawak sebagai penghibur hati. Tak OK...just nice!

Suara Aku Mendodoikan...

Assalamualaikum and have a good night! Huhu...we just back from eating kat luar (Western kot!) Alhamdulillah! Okay, I'm not be here to talk about my 'berbuka' but my suara yang agak mendodoikan anak-anak kecil. Well, not anak-anak kecil (manusia) but my kittens. They just around 2,3 weeks like that right now. Tak dapat dinafikan, I always trying to make my cats sleep by sing 'Tidurlah' song which P.Ramlee song. Some of them, because memang dah mengantuk so they sleep. But then, right now I suddenly realize that my suara is really mendodoikan. Sorry, I forgot to rakam at that time to prove that I'm right. Here, I can only snap their picha...

There are 3 kittens in this picha, look carefully...(the one that open his eyes, taknak tidur)
p/s: If you guys don't know the song that I've sang, just search at Youtube la~

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